My dating journey was just like yours

My journey was not so smooth. I had so many ups and downs and I'm grateful for all of those experiences. Dating and relationships aren't things you just know. It's something you master over the years. You might learn from reading a book or watching a video. But hey, it's not a rom com movie. It's about your life, about taking responsibility for yourself and getting what you want. It's a lot of stuff, and some of its quite difficult. I went through all kinds of setbacks, but also a lot of good moments. I learned how to embrace both the good and bad times and survived, living a happy and meaningful life. If you're interested in finding your love, or you need help to make your existing love life even better, then, contact me. I’m Elizabeth Tritsch, a Science- based, certified Dating & Relationship coach and Matchmaker.

I'm called the Mistress of Manifesting because I manifested love into my life. I'm like Will Smith in the movie, Hitch, but I’m real. My specialties include how to create a profile that attracts, how to enjoy dating while choosing wisely and how to create a loving, connected relationship.


How to Make Valentine’s Day Magical—No Matter Your Relationship Status

How to Make Valentine’s Day Magical—No Matter Your Relationship Status

February 12, 20254 min read

Years ago, I used to dread Valentine’s Day. I remember one particular year when I walked past a flower shop filled with couples picking out bouquets, and I felt that pang in my chest—the one that whispered, “You’re still single”.

I didn’t want to spend another year feeling like I was waiting for love to show up and make me happy. So, I made a bold decision: I was going to make Valentine’s Day amazing, with or without a partner.

That day, without realizing it, I discovered five powerful steps that transformed how I experienced love—both for myself and eventually in my relationship. These are the same steps I now teach my clients, because when you stop waiting and start celebrating, everything shifts.

Step 1: Romance Starts with You

That year, I asked myself: If I were in love, how would I want to be treated today?

Instead of moping, I walked into that flower shop and bought myself the most beautiful bouquet—no waiting for someone else to do it. Then, I treated myself to a decadent dinner (I don’t advise taking yourself out on Valentine's Day if you get triggered by happy couples- pick the day before). I got dressed up in an outfit that made me feel amazing and fully embraced the energy of being cherished.

And you know what? It worked. I felt loved, radiant, and powerful. That’s when I realized: The more you treat yourself like a priority, the more you’ll attract someone who does the same. Also, I can attest, as someone who enjoys many lunches and dinners alone, you're far more likely to meet someone when you're dining solo.

How to Make Valentine’s Day Magical—No Matter Your Relationship Status

Step 2: Rewrite the Valentine’s Day Narrative

I used to think Valentine’s Day was only for couples. But that year, I decided to expand my definition of love.

Instead of focusing on what I didn’t have, I celebrated the love that was already in my life. I called my best friend and planned a fun “Galentine’s” dinner. I wrote heartfelt messages to people I loved. I even bought a little gift for myself—because, why not?

And suddenly, Valentine’s Day stopped feeling like something to endure and became something to enjoy.

Step 3: Get Clear on the Love You Want

That night, after celebrating, I pulled out my journal and wrote down exactly what I wanted in a partner. Not a vague wish list, but a clear, detailed vision of how I wanted to feel in my ideal relationship.

• How we’d laugh together.

• How we’d support each other’s dreams.

• How I’d feel completely cherished, seen, and adored.

And as I wrote, I realized something: I wasn’t just writing about my future partner. I was writing about the way I wanted to feel in my life—starting now.

Step 4: Take One Bold Step Toward Love

That night, I decided to stop waiting and start taking action.

I said yes to opportunities that felt exciting. I started showing up in life like someone who expected love to find her. I even took a leap and joined a dating event—not because I was desperate, but because I was ready to receive love when it arrived.

And guess what? It did.

Step 5: Remember—You Are the Prize

The biggest shift happened when I truly owned my worth.

I stopped seeing being single as a problem to fix and started seeing myself as a valuable, radiant, irresistible woman. Someone who wasn’t chasing love but attracting it naturally.

And when I met my partner, it wasn’t because I was looking to be “completed.” It was because I had already filled my life with so much love that he was simply the beautiful bonus.

Now It’s Your Turn

If you’re single this Valentine’s Day, don’t wait for love to find you—create love now.

• Celebrate yourself. Buy the flowers, wear the outfit, plan the day you want.

• Expand your definition of love. Call your friends, express gratitude, spread kindness.

• Get clear on what you want. Write down your dream relationship as if it’s already happening.

• Take action. Say yes to new opportunities, put yourself out there, and open your heart.

• Own your worth. Stop waiting to be chosen—become the prize you already are.

I know this works because I lived it. And now? I get to help my clients do the same.

This Valentine’s Day, you have a choice. Will you spend it wishing for love, or will you start creating it?

Remember, you’re only one date away from a LTR!

Xx, Elizabeth

P.S. Ready to truly take action in your love life? If you’re dreaming of attracting the right person but aren’t sure where to start, my free Become a Love Magnet Masterclass is exactly what you need. Spots fill up fast. Grab your spot today by clicking here!

How to make valentines day magical no matter you relationship statusFebruary 14thValentinesElizabeth Tritsch
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Elizabeth Tritsch

Dating & Attraction Expert, Flirt Instructor, Certified Dating & Relationship Coach.

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