My dating journey was just like yours

My journey was not so smooth. I had so many ups and downs and I'm grateful for all of those experiences. Dating and relationships aren't things you just know. It's something you master over the years. You might learn from reading a book or watching a video. But hey, it's not a rom com movie. It's about your life, about taking responsibility for yourself and getting what you want. It's a lot of stuff, and some of its quite difficult. I went through all kinds of setbacks, but also a lot of good moments. I learned how to embrace both the good and bad times and survived, living a happy and meaningful life. If you're interested in finding your love, or you need help to make your existing love life even better, then, contact me. I’m Elizabeth Tritsch, a Science- based, certified Dating & Relationship coach and Matchmaker.

I'm called the Mistress of Manifesting because I manifested love into my life. I'm like Will Smith in the movie, Hitch, but I’m real. My specialties include how to create a profile that attracts, how to enjoy dating while choosing wisely and how to create a loving, connected relationship.


Ready For a Netflix & Chill Date?

Ready For a Netflix & Chill Date?

March 08, 20224 min read

You connect with a man. It could be in person or on a dating app and you begin texting back and forth. The conversation flows effortlessly. The two of you seem to have so much in common. You have similar backgrounds, a love of nature and pickled cucumbers. You've even vacationed in many of the same obscure places.

You've been wanting a relationship and this could be it.
You're both happy and excited, things are going so well.
You feel connected.

So, you agree to go on a date.

You're thinking that based on the conversation, meeting for an outdoor lunch or a walk in the park would be nice.
He suggests cooking you dinner and serving his famous pickled vegetables and cucumber dill martinis while the two of you watch the latest nature documentary on Netflix.

Your initial response is "Wait a minute. He wants our first date to be at his place?"
You're a smart women. You know what that means.
Then you think, "I really like him. And, we have so much in common. I don't want him to think I don't like him. Is it so bad to meet at his place for a first date?"

Because you like him and you're wanting a relationship you're starting to talk yourself into this particular date.
You feel uncomfortable but your need for a relationship is bypassing everything that you feel in your body. You have decided that you have no intention of becoming intimate with him so, what's the harm?

What do you do?

You have two choices.
The first is to agree, meet him at his place and be even more uncomfortable when he puts the moves on you.
The second, ask questions.

I know that, if you're like a lot of the women I work with, you've been taught not to make waves.
You're taught its rude to ask questions.
You're taught to be a people pleaser.
You're taught to put everyone's needs before your own. (He is cooking you dinner, how sweet.)
When things make you uncomfortable, you tense up and freeze.

But, you don't say anything.
You might go along with something even though it's not what you want because of so many underlying factors.
Does this sound familiar?

How do you handle this?

By asking questions.
When you can comfortably ask questions then you can control the narrative.
When you can do this without making him wrong, if he's someone worth getting to know, he'll value you more.
This is just one of the many things that I teach to help you create a relationship that honors you.

Why is this so important?

Because learning and practicing this and many other tools empowers you.
It brings you confidence.
It teaches you that you're in control.
It allows you to realize you have agency.
You realize you get to make your own decisions.
You get to create your own life.
You determine your own relationships.
You don't have to go along with anything that you're not 100% committed to.

What would it be like to connect with a man and meet him in a way that you feel comfortable with?
What would it be like deciding how the relationship will go?
What would it be like doing only the things that work for you?
What would it be like getting to know him slowly and taking your time?
What would it be like letting love blossom trusting that the man you choose is the right one for you?

I know how it's made such a difference in the women who've chosen to work with me.
They've learned how to call in wonderful men they're attracted to.
They've begun to enjoy dating.
They make better choices.
They make it easy for men to fall for them.
There's so many who are now in happy, loving relationships.

What about you?
Want to call in great men?
Want to have fun dating and getting to know them while consciously deciding who's the right one for you?
Want to create a relationship that works for you?

If so, reply to this or email me with your name and the best email for you and you'll be added to the waitlist.
Those who reach out first and qualify, will receive an offer to be a part of my VIP group and can be a part of this at a considerable savings.

And when you meet that partner and you're ready for that next step, the two of you can enjoy an in-home Netflix and dinner date comfortably.
Here's some suggestions for a movie that will resonate with both of you, when that time comes. 🍿 🎥

Date intentionally and honor yourself,

Ready For a Netflix & Chill Date?dating

Elizabeth Tritsch

Dating & Attraction Expert, Flirt Instructor, Certified Dating & Relationship Coach.

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