My dating journey was just like yours

My journey was not so smooth. I had so many ups and downs and I'm grateful for all of those experiences. Dating and relationships aren't things you just know. It's something you master over the years. You might learn from reading a book or watching a video. But hey, it's not a rom com movie. It's about your life, about taking responsibility for yourself and getting what you want. It's a lot of stuff, and some of its quite difficult. I went through all kinds of setbacks, but also a lot of good moments. I learned how to embrace both the good and bad times and survived, living a happy and meaningful life. If you're interested in finding your love, or you need help to make your existing love life even better, then, contact me. I’m Elizabeth Tritsch, a Science- based, certified Dating & Relationship coach and Matchmaker.

I'm called the Mistress of Manifesting because I manifested love into my life. I'm like Will Smith in the movie, Hitch, but I’m real. My specialties include how to create a profile that attracts, how to enjoy dating while choosing wisely and how to create a loving, connected relationship.


But what if you Do get it?

But what if you Do get it?

August 01, 20242 min read

Ever feel quiet relief that your love life isn’t exactly perfect yet?

Because finding your perfect match might mean a bunch of things you DON’T want…

Like more time spent on connecting...

More emotions...

More effort...

And LESS of the things you enjoy.

Less time for yourself.

Less time for hobbies and fun.

I know I’ve quietly felt the guilt of that relief before. And I know my clients and students have too. 

But it’s all based on a false idea!

The idea that more – means MORE…

More work...

More hassles...

More sacrifices...

And by extension, less…

Less freedom, less joy, less fun.

But take it from someone who’s in a relationship, who travels with her partner and without, who enjoys focusing on her career, her partner, friends and clients and who enjoys her alone time.

It doesn’t have to!

As long as you believe it does, you will keep getting in your own way. 

This not only makes finding the right person harder, but it also keeps you from living your dreams and desires.

Reaching your full potential.

Waking up with happiness and purpose every day.

And having the love and companionship you desire.

So how do you get past all of this? 

Well, if you’ve been following me, you know it’s all about alignment. Most people think this only applies to themselves.

Their alignment with love.

Their vibration matching that of their perfect partner.

But they miss ONE critical thing: 

The way your life – and everything in it – is set up... 

ALSO needs to be in alignment! 

In alignment with your deepest desires.

With the way you truly want to live your life.

And THAT is when you will get out of your own way.

Allowing your ideal relationship to truly THRIVE.

This can be so subtle that you don’t even notice it. 

But the biggest clue is when you’re putting in all the effort…

Doing all the things…

Trying all the strategies…

And it STILL feels like nothing's changing.

That ‘next level’ stays constantly out of reach.

But I promise you this: 

Once you get your own alignment right, 

AND ensure your life supports it and matches it, 

You’ll be blown away at the speed at which everything takes off?

It’s ALL about alignment – at all levels. And it’s right there for the taking! It only takes a few little tweaks.

Your only one date away,

XO, Elizabeth

P.S. The Dating Experiment is underway. I’m looking for 100 single women to join me on FB as a Founding Member. I created the Dating Experiment to help you experiment dating at a higher level so that you can go from single and alone to partnered and in love within a happy, committed relationship.

Want to join? Click here for the link and be sure to answer all of the questions. I’m only accepting 100 single women for this. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

But what if you Do get it?

The Dating ExpirementDatingDating WorkshopFinding Love
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Elizabeth Tritsch

Dating & Attraction Expert, Flirt Instructor, Certified Dating & Relationship Coach.

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