My dating journey was just like yours

My journey was not so smooth. I had so many ups and downs and I'm grateful for all of those experiences. Dating and relationships aren't things you just know. It's something you master over the years. You might learn from reading a book or watching a video. But hey, it's not a rom com movie. It's about your life, about taking responsibility for yourself and getting what you want. It's a lot of stuff, and some of its quite difficult. I went through all kinds of setbacks, but also a lot of good moments. I learned how to embrace both the good and bad times and survived, living a happy and meaningful life. If you're interested in finding your love, or you need help to make your existing love life even better, then, contact me. I’m Elizabeth Tritsch, a Science- based, certified Dating & Relationship coach and Matchmaker.

I'm called the Mistress of Manifesting because I manifested love into my life. I'm like Will Smith in the movie, Hitch, but I’m real. My specialties include how to create a profile that attracts, how to enjoy dating while choosing wisely and how to create a loving, connected relationship.


How Not To Get Stuck In The Friend Zone

How Not To Get Stuck In The Friend Zone

June 24, 20222 min read

It happens all the time.

You meet someone you like.
You get together and after meeting up several times this particular relationship stays exactly where it started.
It doesn't progress, at all.

You've seen this before.
In fact, it happens over and over again. And frankly, you're beyond frustrated.

You know and understand completely that this person has classified you as something you dread.
Yes, my dear, you and I both know how this person feels about you.

YOU are in the Friend Zone.


The place that's worse than hell. It's more like purgatory except nothing is being cleansed or purified. Its your very own Groundhog Day.

You feel doomed, alone and lonely.
When you walk away after spending time together, you grow more and more frustrated. If you're like some of my clients, you get angry.

Usually, you're angry at the other person.
You blame them.
You can't understand why they'd prefer to go out with people who are less attractive or people who you know will treat them badly.
You can't figure out what's wrong with them.

And then, it comes to you.
It's not them, it's you.
You are the common denominator in all of these relationships.

Yes, it's a tough pill to swallow.
You think to yourself, well if it's me, what am I doing wrong and how do I get out of the Friend Zone?

Well, you don't put yourself there in the first place.

When you meet someone you're interested in, let them know you're interested.

(If you're interested in every single person you meet, most likely you're not being selective. Instead, you're feeling lonely, insecure and needy and are wanting to be with anyone who will take you. This is a turn off for almost everyone. So, be choosy.)

Let them know you're interested by being flirtatious.

Flirtatious doesn't mean coming on strong, saying inappropriate things or being creepy or sleazy.
Being flirty means smiling.
Be open and sincere.
Give genuine, earnest compliments about something you noticed that maybe most people don't see.
If you're meeting someone for the first time, be bold and after some conversation ask them if they'd like to go out on a date with you.

I understand you might be nervous. You might fear rejection.
But isn't it better to know where you stand versus hanging out with them for weeks and months before you figure out there's no future.

Date intentionally by showing interest,

PS - If you're struggling with dating, how about hopping on a free Strategy Call to help you get unstuck? You'll walk away with clear, actionable steps that will help you move forward and begin attracting and dating those you're interested in. Click here to set it up.

Today is the first day of summer. Wouldn't it be great to have a summer romance that has the potential to turn into something more?
Yeah, I thought so.


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Elizabeth Tritsch

Dating & Attraction Expert, Flirt Instructor, Certified Dating & Relationship Coach.

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